
Coordinator/Coordinador: Jaime Medina 773-977-6469

Services Offered: Increase liturgical experience of the community, with the primary purpose of holding and refreshing the Faith community to take the words of Scripture, and to revive through a well-prepared, thoughtful, spiritual proclamation. In the proclamation of the Word of God, readers exercise their responsibility to be mediators of the presence of Christ. God speaks to the community through the reader, and the impact of God’s message significantly depends on your conviction, preparation and delivery. The Word of God will be understood further by the people, if it is read in a meaningful and compelling way. The lector should lead a life worthy of a Christian, to show by their actions that their fidelity to reading to the gathered faithful. The lector attends Mass on weekends to increase their faith and commitment to the ministry.   Other special events include: Christmas, Easter, and other Holy Days.

HOW TO GIVE BACK: You must be a person of great faith and devotion to God’s Word.  You need to know the effective use of a microphone, careful enunciation, and appropriate eye contact, rate of speech, proper posture and movement. It is important to be able to gain and keep the attention of the listeners and to convey enthusiasm and motivation. You will read at Mass once a month or more depending on availability of Mass preferences. Readers are required to attend a monthly meeting the third Thursday of each month.  You are encouraged to attend periodic workshops and training sessions. Audition is required.


St. Gall Parish - St. Simon Chapel