Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Sunday, November 27th begins the Season of Advent. Our preparation of the birth of Jesus Christ also marks the beginning of a new liturgical year. We have many celebrations that I invite you to participate in this Advent Season.
* St. Gall Church will remain open from 7:30am through 9:00pm for prayer and devotion.
* The Adoration Chapel at St. Gall will reopen for visits on Monday, November 28th. Please sign up to be an Adorer during the hours of 9am through 9pm, Monday through Saturday. Click here to sign up
* Guadalupe Docenario begins Thursday, December 1st with 6:00pm evening mass and rosary at
St. Simon Chapel and 7:00pm Mass at St. Gall. (Please visit our website for further details about our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrations)
* The 9am Sunday Mass at St. Gall will return to English as it was before Covid-19.
* Posadas will be held at 7pm at the Parish Hall of St. Gall (Church Basement) December 16th through December 23rd. (Please visit our website for further details)
* Confessions are Thursdays at St. Simon Chapel at 6:30pm and Saturdays at St. Gall at 9:00am

Remember Advent is also a time to prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ.

I look forward to praying with you in this Advent Season.

Please make sure to visit our website and social media for further details:
Instagram: SanGall_CapillaSanSimon
Twitter: SanGallSanSimon

Your Servant in Christ,
Fr. Matt


St. Gall Parish - St. Simon Chapel